Things 3 cultured code forum free.The all-new Things

Things 3 cultured code forum free.The all-new Things

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The all-new Things. Your to-do list for Mac & iOS.So Things 3 looks sort of nice (help!) - Productivity - Effective Remote Work Community


This page explains how to install the betas and report problems. Thanks for helping us test our apps and make better Things for the world! Please do not to share any information about the beta publicly. This includes sharing screenshots, blogging, tweeting, or otherwise disclosing information about our in-progress development.

We appreciate your discretion as a participant in our beta program. To access betas, the email address you use for Things Cloud must be in our whitelist. The betas for mobile devices are distributed via TestFlight.

The beta for Mac is not available through TestFlight. You can, however, share one Things Cloud account with someone else to collaborate on the entire content of that account. Is Things a single purchase for all devices? Do I have to buy Things multiple times? Each app is a separate purchase the Watch app is included with the iPhone. Are there discounts? If you are a student or teacher, please ask your institution if they are part of Apple School Manager. If you are buying for a business , please check out Apple Business Manager.

Have you got a new device or did you have to wipe your old one? Since you bought Things through the App Store, you can easily reinstall the app. Follow the instructions on this page. It's great for jotting down quick thoughts that come along, but it's really best for tackling more complex projects — like planning vacations, learning a new language, and especially prioritizing your various work tasks.

I've spent a few months importing my entire life into Things 3. Here's what it's like to use the app, and why you should consider buying it:. The left sidebar shows how Things 3 organizes all your information, and the folders at the bottom are divisions that I created myself, for Life, Work, and Projects. The main part of the screen shows your Inbox, where you can drop in any free thoughts you have lying around so you can organize them later. A nice bonus: If you use Apple's Calendar and Reminders apps, you can import all of your events and reminders with a single button press.

As you can see, I have a meeting at noon, and I also need to write my Things 3 re— oh man that's right now! I should do that!

Sadly, there are no options to bold or italicize text, or change text size or font. But you don't really need that stuff unless you're writing very complex notes. What's nice about Things 3 is the ability to also create headers, or different divisions within a larger project or area like this one.

In this case, I created headers for "Things to buy" and "Things to move," since re-imagining my den is going to require both of those tasks. What's nice about Things 3 is that it has more tools than you might need. For example, I rarely use the scheduling tools right now — but if I ever encounter a time-sensitive project, this feature will absolutely come in handy. Still, despite the abundance of tools, Cultured Code has managed to simplify the art of organization and make it work for categorizing small thoughts and big projects alike.

If you ever wish you could be more organized, Things 3 provides an excellent canvas and some very clever tools to make your life feel less cluttered and more manageable.



Things Review - Updated

    He also requested that we give free Things licenses to everyone who donated to From now on, there will only be three forums: “Using Things for the Mac”. ProTip #1: If you want a free exhibit hall pass for Macworld Expo , be one of the first people to click here. UPDATE: They're all gone.


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